Sunday, April 13, 2008

First Post

This is the first post to my newest blog about my crafts hobbies - sewing, knitting, crotcheting, quilting, and needlepoint. I have had a needle in my hand since I can remember - my earliest memory is from when I was about 4 and sitting in my mother's lap at her industrial Singer while she pressed the foot and I guided the fabric. I sewed many of my Barbie's outfits. I learned to knit alongside my mother and learned to crotchet with me Aunt. As a young girl, I sewed many of my outfits - including my Prom outfit. I sewed much of my maternity wear when I was pregnant with my children, sewed my children's shorts and shirts, and many of my daughter's dresses.

My goal for this blog is to chronicle many of these projects as well as highlighting current projects. An online photo-album, of sorts.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 12, 2008

Haven't posted in a long time. Have been up and down. I've been exercising in preparation for the Ride to Conquer Cancer. I've switched plans from Weight Watcher's Core to Flex. I was still overeating on the Core plan. The Flex is giving me more control in that I need to eat within the prescribed amount of points. Although Core is easier for maintaining - it's the plan I will go to once I've reached my goal.

Although I'm not losing a lot, I am dropping inches. My clothes fit loser and I look like I've lost weight. So, that's good!!