Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lost 1.0 lbs!!

Doesn't sound like much when you hear other women at the WW meetings who have lost 3 and 4 pounds, but for me this is great! This year I'm trying to plan my weight loss out over the year. I love planning and live my professional life with plans, checklists, to-do lists, etc. and get great satisfaction when I succeed in achieving my goals. If I don't achieve them, I re-evaluate my goals and decide whether or not to proceed, and review where I want to be at any given time. It's a strategy that's worked well for me throughout my career - whether it was in education, like now, or when I worked in the private sector in the computer field. It works and I feel good! But it never dawned on me to do the same for my health...well, it did "dawn on me" but I never actually did anything about it. And, ya, I've done the New Year's resolution bit, but that wasn't specific enough, it wasn't SMART - Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely - the exact strategy that works for me at work, I had never applied to weight loss and health.

So, this year, in the year that I turn 50 - I finally get it. I've set weight loss goals throughout the year. Each month I've identified an amount of weight I want to loss - considering work demands and knowing some months are more stressful that others. Allowing me to have some comfort foods if I really need to and can't divert to something else. I've also hired a Personal Trainer who is really fantastic and do not cancel workouts no matter how tired or depressed or stressed I am. I've also set out an outfit I would like to wear on my birthday and another outfit for New Year's Eve 2008/9.

I've been setting short-term weekly goals, and trying to keep them. This week, I'm going to stop using cream in my coffee and switch to skim milk. I thought a little cream in my coffee won't make so much difference, but I think it does, in more ways that weight. It could be part of the problem with my choloesterol (which is a whole other story).

I, I know I'm on the right path. I will continue to journal here, 'cause it's easier to type here than to write in my journal. For this month, my goal was to lose 3 pounds, so far I've lost 2.8 - so 0.2 for next week and I've met January's goal!!

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