Sunday, September 6, 2009

Clean eating or following WW plan?

Something's working...I was down 1.2 pounds, from last week, at my Weight Watcher's weigh-in yesterday morning! I like to think it's both the clean eating AND following the WW plan. I have been journalling for the last three weeks and been following the principles of clean eating for about 4 weeks (I think). I want this to be second nature. I was reading someone's blog regarding his journey into eat cleaning and the blogger commented that his wife clarified for him that clean eating was not a "diet" but a "lifestyle." This is exactly what I've been saying to my family and it's been pretty funny.

Last night we went to my cousin's house for a BBQ. Usually I take over a bottle of wine and some sort of sweet. On our way to her house, we stopped at a local grocery store. I told my family I was NOT buying a cake or a pie or any of the other desserts they suggested, but that I was buying fresh fruit!
Rather that stay in the van, they all opted to come into the store with me...I suppose to supervise me maybe??!! They all spread to different isles to get what they said we "needed" and I picked out the fruit and we all converged at the checkout. At the end of this particular checkout there was a display of cut flowers and plants. I thought what a nice gesture it would be to get my cousin either flowers or a plant...I decided on a plant as it was really pretty and I thought it would round out the hostess gift - wine, fruit, plant! We checked out and went to the son had purchased peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, which he opened in the car to snack on as we drove up to my cousins. (and here comes the point of this story...)

While he was opening the cookie bag he commented on the ingredient listing, something like this..."Boy, what a long list of ingredients. I don't think this is clean." And so the discussion of clean began on our trip. I sensed a bit of guilt in my son and my husband's voice as they chomped away on the cookies saying it wasn't clean and that they tasted something "weird" in this unclean snack but also noting that the gum I had just popped into my mouth was probably also not clean. (It was funny to listening to the discussion.) I let them know it was OK to have "unclean" food from time to time, but as long as our "normal" was to eat clean. I also told the kids that my goal for them is that they make "clean choices" in their lives when they live on their own and shop on their own. (I won't talk about the stunned look on their faces when they got confused about the "on their own" part of my speech.) I told them that it was easy to eat clean if they think about eating foods with minimum (1 - 3) ingredients.

So, the moral of this story is, that if you want your family to embrace clean eating tell them that it's for the long-term good of their health and that it's not exclusive to eating. It also helps if they're friends/girlfriends find it cool that they're eating healthy...

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