Friday, September 4, 2009

First Week Back to Work - A Test of Eating Clean

Today is the last day of a full week back to work and it's been a bit of a challenge. I am at a new school and this one has a big main office that ALWAYS seems to have food for snacking. Food that doesn't, in any way, qualify as "clean." There is also a full kitchen right outside my office where there is always coffee in the pot, sugar on the counter...and no agave or sweetener or anything remotely resembling an alternative form of sweetness for my favourite beverage. So...I've been drinking coffee with a little milk and no sweetener and, surprisingly, I'm getting used to it. Coffee is one of the foods that we should restrict on when eating clean, but with all that candy, chocolate, and Tim Bits, I can control myself so much.

I've told everyone I'm off sugar and already people have said that sometimes people bring in plates of veggies and fruit, so that's a good thing. At Weight Watchers, they talk about telling people close to you that you are on Weight Watchers so they can support you, I think the same is true of any change you undertake, particularly a change in eating. The few people I've told about not having sugar, I've explained I'm trying to eat better and slowly, as I get to know people, I will enlighten them about eating clean. Meanwhile, I have one more day in this week, I'm just about to pack my cooler for the day and I'm off to work.

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