Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Such an important date in history - what an inspiration!

I am not one who is big on politics or up on world events. I have never had a great love of history or current events. I would say I have always had an "awareness" of what is going on, what has gone on, and hopeful about what might be.

What I have had the privilege of living through and remembering are a number of significant events in the past 50 years - President Kennedy's inauguration and assassination; Rev. Martin Luther King's impact on Civil Rights and his assassination; the landing of the first person on the moon; the devastating Colombia space shuttle explosion; September 11th, 2001; and today - the inauguration of President Obama. These are all days/dates that I remember exactly where I was and still feel the impressions left on me and their impact in my life.

What an amazing day! What a great speaker and writer! What an inspiring speech! I wish President Obama all the best and his family strength and courage to fulfil their new role.

I encouraged my children to try to get to a TV to watch this important event. I reminded them that this will be one of the days that they will remember when they are older. I reminded them that their grandparents came to Canada in hopes of a better life. I reminded them that their grandparents worked in sweat shops and diner kitchens to build a life, own a home, educate their child. In turn, their hard work for the lives of my children, their grandchildre. The expectations I have for them is that they honour their heritage and the sacrifices of their grandparents. I also reminded them that President Obama has repeated re-iterated what we have always said to our children - 'You can do anything you want, anything you set your mind too, and that nothing is too big to overcome.'

In this week of 12 Secrets - we look to our inspiration. In today's historic event I have my inspiration. I can do anything. Nothing is too big to overcome.


Kavindra said...

That's kind of how I feel too, if our country can overcome slavery and racism, anything is possible ... even me sitting my butt down in a chair and writing, as far fetched as it may seem ;)

Caroline said...

I am so inspired by today as well. If this man, who was relatively unknown 2 yrs ago, can become the president. What are we capable of becoming? Anything we want...

Genie Sea said...

We are living through history in the making. Such a touching and hopeful history indeed. I don't' know anyone, young or old, American or not, from the west or the east, the north or the south that is not deeply moved by this. :)

Thank you so much for your moving comment on my blog. Hugs!

Belle said...

You're so right - President Obama's inauguration day is a wonderfully inspiring event, and always will be. Nothing is too big to overcome - the world is filled with such hope and beauty!