Sunday, January 11, 2009

New prayers's been a few weeks since I last posted. I couldn't even bring myself to think about the week that just passed. This past Thursday was my father's appointment with Dr. D - his primary specialist. Before Christmas we had met with Dr. E and my father was tested in the hyperbaric tank. The doctor gave me cautiously positive news and said he would forward communication to Dr. D of the results. When we met with Dr. D this week, he admitted he did not have time to go through his mail and had not reviewed the notes from Dr. E. Therefore, could not comment on the course of treatment. He did say, we will likely proceed with a below the knew amputation and that he would be in contact with me once he reads the letter from Dr. E.

My father immediately broke down when he heard this. He tried as best as he could to control his tears, but pulled his hat down past his eyes and started crying. This just broke my heart. He looked like a little boy trying to cover his face from his mom. Only, this was my father and I know he was trying to hide his vulnerability from me, his daughter, to whom he has always been the strong one. I sat with him and told him that ultimately it would be better for him. That he would not have to wear the IV pack anymore. And that he would be taught to walk with a prosthetic and able to try to get back to a normal life.

I don't know what the future one does, I know. But I continue to pray for strength for both of us, so we can face this trial.

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