Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday...

When I first read Jamie’s prompt for Wishcasting Wednesday, “What do you wish to tell the world?” I thought I’d just write what I was feeling.

I wanted to tell the world that everything is hard. That life is a challenge. That there are tests and trials we are put through without a clear reason for them. Life is something that happens to us, that we have no control, and that, no matter how hard you try, bad things will happen. I wanted to tell the world that you can achieve every goal you set, but only after a struggle.

That is what I wanted to write. Then I thought for a minute, maybe this post would be too much of a downer, so I clicked on Mr. Linky to read what other blogger’s had posted. Each one wrote of hope, abundance, opportunity, creativity, and other very positive messages. I didn’t think it appropriate to post what I was feeling…these feelings of sadness and grief.

I’ve been thinking about this all day. Thinking about the depression that I believe has set in again. Thinking about the trials I’m going through and the feelings of hopelessness I have. I shared this morning’s experience with my daughter during our nightly visit with my father, in the hospital. I told her I felt bad posting what I was feeling and she encouraged I post anyway. She said, if it’s how you’re feeling, then why would it be bad? So, here we are, at 7:30 in the evening, and I’m responding to Jamie’s prompt from the depths of my soul.


Sarah Sullivan said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, I wish for her also:)

Why feel bad - what a better time to reach out for support!!! May you feel better hon!!!
I think there is nothing wrong with your is hard, we do's what you do with that hard stuff that matters. I have been through alot of horrid stuff in my life. Hang in there hon!! I'm here for you. Namaste, Sarah

Holly said...

Hmm, if you really read all that we have posted today, I feel that they ran the gamut. I'm not thinking mine is very hopeful or upbeat or over the top with optimism...

I simply sad I want the world to remember that I'm here. Here? Some days here is really hard. Some days not so bad. Other days are breathtakingly wonderful.

But, I did say that we need to move through any emotion that we have so that we don't get stuck in them...because they change and we must change with them. Or pay the price of becoming stiff from trying to hold things still.

I think, no, I feel how sad and overwhelmed you are right this moment. And, as it is very real, I applaud you for telling your truth. Most of don't gussy up our feelings for this blogging we do. We read your writing because it's true for you.

So, as one who understands feeling sad, even if I can't now exactly how sad feels for you, I extend my hand, and say a prayer for you and yours.

And, your wish for yourself? I lovingly and with intention wish for you also.

Spirit says, "Do not be are never alone. Most especially in those moments when it feels desperately as though you are. You are never alone. And you are loved."


Anonymous said...

As Lissian wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Having been through a very difficult year with hubby I so know how it can feel. I can only say hang in there - take it one day, one moment at a time.

Hang in there.

Beverley Baird said...

Lillian - I love the phrase "and truth will set you free".
You need to unburden and there are so many lovely souls here who would support you.
I know I was sad for a long time when I moved here - many times I wished I could just get over it.
It took my Mom's death last year and the ensuing year to really shake me up.
Life is to be lived - and emotions and feelings to be expressed.
You are very brave and remember, you are not alone.
As Lillian wishes for herself, I wish for her also.
Take care.

Lawendula said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Grammy said...

All the positivity is brain washing. It took me a year of telling my self to be happy till I listened. I am on the path to happiness. But I have been in the deepest depression. If you need a friend. I am here.

roxanne s. sukhan said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, I wish for her also ...

I get the depression/funk thing ... really, really do ... (perhaps my blogging name indicates that ...?)

Giulietta said...

Hi Lillian, I wish for you to feel comfortable with whatever your wish is for the week.

Life is a rollercoaster, enjoy the ups, downs, sharp turns and flat straightaways.

Giulietta the Muse

Jamie Ridler said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I'm so glad you decided to share your truth. I'm so sorry things are so difficult right now. I'm sending you lots of loving vibes, my friend.

Anonymous said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, so too do I wish for Lillian - and I'll just tell you, my wish may have ultimately be of hope...but it was born from a place of anger. Serious anger. So I think (it being your blog and all) you whould be allowed to feel however it is that you feel when you're writing, don't ever feel badly about how you feel or expressing it.

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

There is no shame in feeling bad. You feel bad. Let others know. And do not feel bad or ashamed of doing so. You have to let it out somehow so it does not fester.
There's nothing I can say that will make things better, but know I understand all too well.
And I am here for you, listening to your pain and hurt, commiserating and praying.
Do not be afraid.

As Lillian wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.


Kim said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

I think Sarah has neatly summed up what I would say to you and many of the other comments are also so supportive. Best and many wishes to you.

Kim x

Lani Gerity said...

As Lillian wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.