Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Season's Greetings!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Genie Sea said...

Happy happy! :)

Serena said...

I hope you had a beautiful, blessed and blissful Christmas with your family, Lillian ~

Btw, I tagged you with a 'meme'...check out my blog if you want to play. It's perfectly okay if you'd prefer not to though.

love, light and peace,

Serena said...

I'm glad you want to do the 'meme', Lillian.

A 'meme' is basically like any other's where the blogger shares something about themselves. This particular meme is where you list five things YOU like to do each day that you believe is good for your mental well-being. I listed mine in this post - The rules for the 'meme' are at the bottom of the post but, basically, in your own meme post, link to me (the one who tagged you)....then list your five things, then choose five other bloggers to pass the meme on to and provide links to their blogs, then let them know you have tagged them. I listed four bloggers and left the fifth as an open may like to do the same. Enjoy!

love, light and peace,