Saturday, December 13, 2008


I went to Weight Watchers today and gained a bit. Although, I'm down close to 20 pounds in total, the up-down-up-down at the scales gets to me sometimes. Today, it was magnified because there was someone at the meeting who I've met in a different context and wasn't terribly impressed by. Problem is, I needed to be cheery, since I know them in a professional context...rather, than screaming and running away - which I what my soul wanted to do!

The last month has been difficult to stay on track with my workout routine my trainer prepared - partly because she has been going through something and had to cancel a couple of our workouts...also, partly due to caring for my dad - that's been a huge drain...and, partly, due to the fact the weather is crappy, there is no sun, and work is crazy busy. On the plus side, I have ONLY gained 1.2 pounds this week (could've been worse!)...I am using the membership at Extreme Fitness that my son didn't want anymore (mostly for yoga, but I'm GOING!). Sooo...I guess, the net result is good because I haven't stop exercising all together and haven't thrown every piece of chocolate, or cookie, or cake, or candy, or any other food that starts with 'c' into my mouth!!

I've been trying to finish the "Soul Coaching" book and have been spending a couple of days per "Soul Coaching day" is the day where I have to craft a mission for my soul. I read the book last night, and it talked about listening to things throughout the day. One thing I heard myself say yesterday, and I actually say quite frequently when I'm working with kids is mission is to make sure the students that I work with succeed - and succeed in the sense that they get through school, pass all their courses, get to graduation, and get on with their lives...succeed in drafting a plan for their future - not necessarily what they'll be doing when they're 50, but the near future "what do you want to do right out of high school? in 5 years?" These are questions kids can answer without feeling overwhelmed that they are making some massive decision that they can never deviate from. This is wish and this is my mission.

Is my mission at work, also my mission in life? Maybe. I help people I connect with at church, in my neighbourhood, or any context - if I see I can help, I do. Two days ago I ran into someone who I met at church and helped with a family situation. She thanked me for taking time to help her even though I didn't really know her and told me everything had worked out well for them. Something that took me less than a half hour, impacted that family for the positive. Wow!

Why is my mission as an educator so clear, but not so clear for my mission in life. Maybe they're one and the same. I don't know.


Genie Sea said...

First of all, congratulations on losing 20 lbs, and on staying committed to the gym despite the delays!

I really believe that the philosophy with which we approach our careers, especially that of teaching, totally reflects our philosophy on life. You mission is a noble one and your intent loving. That is who you are, not only as a teacher but as a person. :)

Serena said...

YAY on the weight loss!!

I believe the two are connected ~ :)