Saturday, June 27, 2009

...easing into summer

I'm really looking forward to this summer. I'm hoping my father will be well enough to finally leave the hospital. He's tired and wants to get on with life. Since he's been on the anti-depressants, he seems more like himself. He's talking about going home, about his garden, about things he cares about.

I'm hoping I can pull myself together after the past few years and get on track with both my body and my career. It's really sad that when stress hits, I hit myself - I fill my body with all the crap I try not to eat or drink. I head straight for the chocolate, or the chips and coke, or the bottle of wine, or whatever is in the pantry that doesn't resemble any food found in nature.
I've being going to Weight Watchers for so long, yet have not achieved my goal weight. I'm stuck and I'm scared and I have to shake that out of myself.

I decided this morning to give myself a kick-start. I used to use the "10 Pounds in 10 Days" diet in my younger days. It's basically a low-carb diet, egg and grapefruit for breakfast, then selected high protein mixed with low-carb veggies. I really like how I feel when I go on this diet, so I've decided to use that as my kick-starter. Then ease myself back into carb consumption. I am positive I have a limited tolerance for carbs. I find my arthritis hurts and my mind is always fuzzy when I consume carbs...or should I say 'crap' that really isn't food, just bad carbs. I'll continue with Weight Watchers because I like the group's like group therapy, only everyone is talking about their mis-adventures with food. I like the two leaders (I alternate meetings) and I enjoy just listening. I don't feel like I'm the only loser who can't get control of her eating habits and continual uses food as a scap-goat.

I also plan on training for the half-marthon walk in the Toronto Marathon. I will be fund-raising for the Diabetes as my son has type-1 diabetes. They are so close to a cure, but still so far away. I hope and pray he can be off insulin by the time he is 30.

All this...PLUS...I plan to keep on creating art!!!

So, these are my big I look forward to a summer full of drawing, painting, exercising, and treating myself well. Lofty, maybe. But that's what goals should be... GO BIG OR GO HOME!!! Here's to a great summer!

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