Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 14 - Releasing Victim Thinking, Choosing Your Life (Day 1 for me)

I was planning on starting Soul Coaching tomorrow, the first day of the Fire week. But after I woke up and came downstairs, I sat down and read today's entry in Denise Linn's book. It seemed so appropriate for what I was feeling already this morning, I thought I would plunge in. Denise Linn, in her introductory, says start when you feel it's right...and somehow, that was today, the last day of the water week.

It was raining this morning and has been all day. After I got up from bed I weighed myself, as I usually do, particularly on Saturdays because I go to the morning Weight Watcher's meeting. I was up another pound and immediately started with the negative talk. "Why can't I stop binging when I'm upset? Why can't I get control of myself?" etc. So, it was funny (or serendipitous) to read in Soul Coaching that today's Level 1 task was to take negative questions and make them noble questions. Sometimes I feel like I've cornered the market on negative questions, so this exercise would likely be challenging...and it was.

Using Denise's sample questions, I came up with my own version of noble questions:
1. How can I nourish and strengthen my body and build a positive self-image?
2. How can I feel more abundant?
3. How can I honour myself?

I tried the Level 2 questions, using the situation at work. I am clearly being bullied by a superior and quite honestly feel victimized but can't figure my way out of it. I could answer question 1 and 2. But when it came to answering number 3 and 4, I couldn't even begin. I've gone back to those questions throughout the day, and still have no answer. I know Denise says the answers are within each of us, but at this point at time, I still don't have an answer. I'm hoping it may come to me through this journey.

Level 3 exercise was good...I addressed very painful, pivotal events in my life and feel some peace after repeating the affirmation. Even events from my childhood. I think over time I have come to peace with them, but this felt like it was a good cleansing... how very appropriate for the last day of the water week.


danette said...

Welcome! It's true that the volume on serendipity has been cranked for many doing Soul Coaching.

The answers are likely to come now that you have invited them.

I look forward to reading about how fire week unfolds...

Caroline said...

Welcome to the group! Very powerful post today.

I worked with a bully for was so hard on me physically and emotionally. I look back and realize now that it was all about her. Her pain, her self-hatred, her drama that she spewed on everyone who "took" it. I have learned so much about that and I am so much stronger today because of it. Sometimes I re-read in my journals about that (I had to journal through that time). It amazes me how I let her control me... Today, when I find myself around people like that...I giggle inside. I realize they have no power and it's not about me.

Geez...sorry for the long ramble...your post just brought me back...

Serena said...

Hi Lillian....I'm so glad to see you join the group!

It sounds like you had a very empowering day. Can't wait to see what fire week brings us.

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

welcome to our journey. There is a fire burning, pull up a log, and relax :)

The bully's power is psychological. They know how to get under our skins. I agree with both Danette and Caroline. The answer will come to you know that you are open to it. And it is all about the bully's need to control because he/she perceives him/herself to be helpless. It is all about them.

You're golden! :)