Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 16 (my day 3) - Taking Risks

I am free to experience joy in every matter what is happening in my life.

I really liked today affirmation. I tried to repeat that throughout the matter what was happening (and alot was happening).

Today was about having fun, stepping out of our comfort zone, and breaking habits. I tried to deviate from the usual, although "old habits die hard" I was able to change my route to work a bit. I tried to have fun in everything I did today, but sometimes my best intentions were foiled. I DID have a great talk with an old friend who gave me some insight into how to deal with my difficult situation. And I told my father to a medical appointment and managed to make his laugh. That was probably the best thing today - he's been ill and it was nice to see him laugh.

After the day was over, I came home and listened to Handel's Water Music, had dinner (by myself...everyone seemed to get home late tonight) and then went to my belly-dancing class, which is always fun and I'm always stepping out of my comfort zone!!

All in all, a good day. I don't know that I gained any soulful insights...any insight to changing habits that do not support me. Maybe that will come as the week goes on.


Caroline said...

I am not sure how insightful my day was either... I had a pretty big day yesterday and frankly, I am pooped! Tomorrow should be interesting...

Serena said...

I would say it was a good day, Lillian. How nice that your Dad laughed too.

How cool that you do belly-dancing!

love, light and peace,