Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 15 (my Day 2) - Confronting Fear, Developing Faith

I am safe.

What an interesting morning. I couldn't sleep all night because of the rain and frozen rain, then this morning after I finally got a couple of hours of early morning sleep, I woke up to my bedroom flooded with sunlight. What a wonderful start to Fire Week.

I quickly came down and sat beside the altar I've set up in the living room and read/started today's tasks. I light a candle and began with the Level 1 task of listing my fears. There are many. I acknowledge my fears about the past, my fears about the future, my fear of rain and thunderstorms, as well as my fears of losing my father, my family, my memories, my mind, and of crumbling down in weakness.

The scenario I played out was the last. What would happen if I crumble down into my weaknesses? Would it empower my children? Would it be the beginning of a "Lillian re-boot" - a re-building or renovation of myself? You can only build if you have a cleared foundation, right? It could mean my own rebirth.

12:40 - I read a section I had taken from Thursday's newspaper. It was about old age, dementia, Alzheimer's. It was very timely that I read it today and it validated that what I am trying to do with my health - that is, exercising regularly, trying to eat right, keeping an eye on my cholesterol - is on the right path to preventing that which I fear most - losing my mind.

We'll see what the rest of the day holds. I'm not sure if I will attempt Level 2 or 3 today, but we'll see, the day is young.


Serena said...

it sounds like you are taking all the right steps, Lillian. it's so empowering to acknowledge our fears and then take action.

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

Research shows that those who keep their mind active do not experience Alzheimer's. Things as simple as crossword puzzles and card games have kept the mind alive. We are not helpless. :)

Jamie Ridler said...

What a lovely way to start fire week - with the sun and then reading by your altar.

And what a powerful way of reframing crumbling into rebooting. And yay you for already being in action. The spirit of fire must have visited you early :)

Allison said...

All you can do is do your best to take care of yourself :] & you're on your way!

peppylady said...

Strange how different type weather puts fear in us.
When I was younger I was scared of the wind.
Now I look at it bring in something or taking out something.

Coffee is on.

Beautiful Witch said...

What a wonderful way to start your soul coaching journey, Lillian. With a candle and a quiet moment. Welcome to the group too - I am sure you have arrived at exactly the right time for you.

chest of drawers said...

I´m afraid of illnesses like that too, I think everyone is. I believe it´s a matter of letting go and seeing where life leads you - and believing that everything will be ok and you´ll be looked after. Then you can release a lot of those fears.