Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 22 (my day 9) - Connective with Your Body

I am one with the earth. I am one with my body.
Oh boy, do I still have issues with me body!! Well, I like it more than I thought I did...after doing Denise's survey (p. 167-8), I realized I liked more than I hated. This month marks a year since I made the committment to take care of my body. I've since lost almost 15 pounds (4.5 this week alone - but that, I'm sure, was due to stress). I'm stronger. I'm regaining my flexibility. I've re-introduced yoga into my routine. And I try to mediate a few times a week.
I was reading ahead, and it is an interesting path, this Soul Coaching. Interesting from a number of perspectives. One being that since I started in the middle, I didn't think I would be in sync with the program and everyone else. But the coincidences have been many and uncanny.
I am a Greek Orthodox Christian and the Christmas Lent period began November 15th. I usualy do one week of lent, for no good excuse than it's hard cooking every night and I have to when we are on lent. What is lent for a Greek Orthodox Christian? It is a fast or abstinence from all animal foods - this includes butter, milk, eggs, fish, meat, etc. - anything for any animal (including fish) that bleeds.
"To the devout, fasting is a total-body experience to purify the body and the soul. To fast means to demonstrate self-control over temptations, sins, unkind feelings and material desires." (Christmas in Greece, pub by WorldBook)
So, what's so uncanny?...tomorrow we begin to detox our body. This week in addition to detoxing my body, I will detox my spirit...and my soul.


Kavindra said...

Nice to hear you are loving your body more, what a pleasant suprise for you today to realize it.

Enjoy your lent - I love lent, tho I didn't know about orthodox christmas lent, I have to read about that. I learn so much from you guys!

Caroline said...

First, congrats on losing the 15 lbs! That is a great accomplishment!

I thought it was funny that this week falls on Thanksgiving...usually I over eat to the point of feeling totally nauseous. I am glad to have this challenge and being more mindful.

Jamie Ridler said...

What amazing synchronicities! You must be meant to be here :)

Congratulations on loving more than you expected! That's an awesome surprise.

Suzie the Foodie said...

I'm glad there is someone else out there trying to reconnect with yoga. I wish I knew why I was so resistant!

As someone who moved to NS from Vancouver Island just a year ago, that amount of snow is daunting! Takes me back to my Ottawa days. (shudder)