Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 21 (my day 8) - Fanning the Flames of Your Creativity

Incredible creative life force flows through my entire being.

I'm a little distracted from this journey because of the journey I am on with my ailing father. I am participating as much as I can as I feel the universe still guides us wherever we may be in our lives. What I've been doing is scanning the day's entry in the book, and then coming back to it at the end of the day to see if, unconsciously, my soul has been following the soul coaching path.

Yesterday, Saturday was the last day of the Fire Week and about expressing yourself in some creative activity. Though I didn't do the exercise Denise suggested, I did do a whole bunch of sewing. Mending and altering items that had been sitting waiting for me for some time.

I think I will go back and do the activity in Level 3 at a later time as I think it is an important one. I did similar boards before we started our renovation and it created a map for the vision we had for our home and it still serves as a guide as we add details.


Jamie Ridler said...

What a beautiful, intuitive approach to Soul Coaching. And how appropriate to be doing mending while on the journey with your father.

Sending you both loving thoughts,


Kavindra said...

Oh, my thoughts are with you as you take care of your dad.

How beautiful that you are still checking in on the soul coaching journey in spite of your situation. I love the idea that your soul may be doing it without your conscious attention. I think you are right about that. I have missed some days due to laziness or inattention, and when I read and reflect, even without doing the exercises, things have shifted, just by having the ideas in the back of my mind.

todayandeveryday said...

I too am going to be doing the collage at a later time. It appealed to me, as well.
I think the creative activities you choose yesterday were just right for you and what you are going through at this time.
I hope all goes well with your father and that you have a great support system on which to lean in times of challenge.
Peace and Blessing be with you on this portion of your journey~